POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020
The 1st Call for Proposals within the Programme was held from 16 April 2018 to 16 July 2018.
P1: Cooperating on historical, natural and cultural heritage for their preservation and cross-border
P2: Cooperation for the clean natural environment in the cross-border area.
P3: Accessible regions and sustainable cross-border transport and communication.
P4: Joint actions for border efficiency and security.
Total Programme allocation: 41 416 888,64 EUR.
Maximum Programme co-financing: up to 90% of the total project budget.
Own contribution of the beneficiaries: minimum 10% of total project budget.
4.1. Composition:
• at least one Polish and at least one Russian beneficiary in the project,
• no limit for the maximum number of beneficiaries per project,
• joint project preparation and implementation by all project beneficiaries,
• joint project financing and/or staffing by all project beneficiaries.
4.2. Lead beneficiary principle:
• one institution in each project plays the role of the lead beneficiary (LB),
• LB represents the whole partnership,
• LB signs a grant contract with the Managing Authority,
• LB takes the overall responsibility for ensuring/implementation of the entire project.
5.1 Programme area
• core regions in Poland:
– Gdański subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Trójmiejski subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Starogardzki subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Elbląski subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Olsztyński subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Ełcki subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Suwalski subregion (Podlaskie region).
• core region in the Russian Federation:
Kaliningrad Oblast
• adjoining regions:
Słupski subregion (Pomorskie region)
and Białostocki subregion (Podlaskie region) in Poland.
5.2 Potential beneficiaries
• National, regional and local governments or their association, bodies governed by public or private law, NGOs with legal personality.
6.1. Depending on the way of project implementation:
• Integrated project – each beneficiary implements a part of the activities of the project on its own territory,
• Symmetrical project – similar activities are implemented in parallel in the participating countries,
• Single-country project – implemented mainly or entirely in one country, but for the benefit of both countries and where cross-border impacts and benefits are identified.
6.2. Depending on the nature of the project activities:
• Infrastructure project – project including an infrastructural component with a total value over 50 000 EUR and less than 2 500 000 EUR or project which requires building permission or its equivalent,
• Investment project – project with supplies of fixed assets within the budget line for equipment of more 50 000 EUR,
• Soft project – not defined either as “infrastructure” or as “investment”.
• as a general rule – the projects need to be implemented in the Programme area,
• implementation outside the Programme area in exceptional cases after fulfilling additional conditions.
• duration of the projects may not exceed 24 months.
• no paper version of the Application Form (AF) – only e-version to be submitted to Joint Technical Secretariat via online system,
• AF should be filled in English,
• relevant annexes (depending on the project nature and type of beneficiary) to be submitted in e-version along with the AF,
• deadline of the call to be strictly kept: no possibility to submit the AF after the set up deadline.