POLAND-RUSSIA Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014–2020

European Union

Call For Proposals

The 1st Call for Proposals within the Programme was held from 16 April 2018 to 16 July 2018.

1. Programme Priorities



P1: Cooperating on historical, natural and cultural heritage for their preservation and cross-border
P2: Cooperation for the clean natural environment in the cross-border area.
P3: Accessible regions and sustainable cross-border transport and communication.
P4: Joint actions for border efficiency and security.


2. Financial allocation for the 1st Call for Proposals

Total Programme allocation: 41 416 888,64 EUR.


European Union contribution:
25 021 578,60 EUR

Russian Federation contribution:
16 395 310,04 EUR


3. Value of the grant per project


minimum grant:
100 000 EUR

maximum grant:
2 500 000 EUR


Maximum Programme co-financing: up to 90% of the total project budget.
Own contribution of the beneficiaries: minimum 10% of total project budget.


4. Partnership in the projects

4.1. Composition:

• at least one Polish and at least one Russian beneficiary in the project,
• no limit for the maximum number of beneficiaries per project,
• joint project preparation and implementation by all project beneficiaries,
• joint project financing and/or staffing by all project beneficiaries.


4.2. Lead beneficiary principle:

• one institution in each project plays the role of the lead beneficiary (LB),
• LB represents the whole partnership,
• LB signs a grant contract with the Managing Authority,
• LB takes the overall responsibility for ensuring/implementation of the entire project.


5. Eligible beneficiaries

5.1 Programme area

• core regions in Poland:
– Gdański subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Trójmiejski subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Starogardzki subregion (Pomorskie region),
– Elbląski subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Olsztyński subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Ełcki subregion (Warmińsko-Mazurskie region),
– Suwalski subregion (Podlaskie region).

• core region in the Russian Federation:
Kaliningrad Oblast

• adjoining regions:
Słupski subregion (Pomorskie region)
and Białostocki subregion (Podlaskie region) in Poland.

5.2 Potential beneficiaries

• National, regional and local governments or their association, bodies governed by public or private law, NGOs with legal personality.


6. Types of projects

6.1. Depending on the way of project implementation:

• Integrated project – each beneficiary implements a part of the activities of the project on its own territory,
• Symmetrical project – similar activities are implemented in parallel in the participating countries,
• Single-country project – implemented mainly or entirely in one country, but for the benefit of both countries and where cross-border impacts and benefits are identified.

6.2. Depending on the nature of the project activities:

• Infrastructure project – project including an infrastructural component with a total value over 50 000 EUR and less than 2 500 000 EUR or project which requires building permission or its equivalent,
• Investment project – project with supplies of fixed assets within the budget line for equipment of more 50 000 EUR,
• Soft project – not defined either as “infrastructure” or as “investment”.


7. Location of the projects

• as a general rule – the projects need to be implemented in the Programme area,
• implementation outside the Programme area in exceptional cases after fulfilling additional conditions.

8. Duration of the projects

• duration of the projects may not exceed 24 months.

9. Application process

• no paper version of the Application Form (AF) – only e-version to be submitted to Joint Technical Secretariat via online system,
• AF should be filled in English,
• relevant annexes (depending on the project nature and type of beneficiary) to be submitted in e-version along with the AF,
• deadline of the call to be strictly kept: no possibility to submit the AF after the set up deadline.

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